Playstation Network Psn Games
The PS3 had its early missteps but ultimately proved itself essential, and then the PlayStation 4 has been an absolute smash from the start. However I do believe it's a bit disingenuous to believe PC ports of PS exclusives will start to appear sooner then 3-4 years after their now PS5 release. It's these tentpole titles that sell consoles which Sony will not want to dilute by producing a PC version day 1. @TheFrenchiestFry That is the reason I have no problem with some PlayStation exclusive games going to PC after 1-2- or 3 years. PC gamers are a big Part of Sony PlayStations fans and own one as well as a PC. Some will never want to wait years for new PlayStation titles. Ps Now Games This time players will mostly be in Ellie's shoes, as she treads a path that few would be able to stomach , in search of justice. It's an absolutely gut-wrenching journey and arguably a new highpoint for cinematic storytelling in games. Tekken 7 is an incredibly tense game of jabs, fein...